Dota Custom Keys Generator 6.81b
Customkeys.txt is a text file that can be found in the main Wc3 folder, it was made by Blizzard.
With this Dota Custom Keys Generator you can generate custom keys for dota 6.80 or earlier
p.s. if site will down the mirror is here
Dota Custom Keys Generator 6.81b
Dota Archive
Dota v6.81b Download and changelogs

- Roshan base armor increased by 1
- Melee illusions created by a Rune of Illusion take 200% instead of 300% damage
- Random Draft hero selection pool increased from 22 to 24
Dota CustomKeys Generator 6.80
Dota Custom Keys Generator 6.80
Customkeys.txt is a text file that can be found in the main Wc3 folder, it was made by Blizzard.
With this Dota Custom Keys Generator you can generate custom keys for dota 6.80 or earlier
p.s. if site will down the mirror is here
Dota Custom Keys Generator 6.80
Customkeys.txt is a text file that can be found in the main Wc3 folder, it was made by Blizzard.
With this Dota Custom Keys Generator you can generate custom keys for dota 6.80 or earlier
p.s. if site will down the mirror is here
Dota Custom Keys Generator 6.80
Dota v6.79c Download and changelogs

* Hand of Midas recipe cost increased from 1400 to 1550
* Ancestral Spirit vision reduced from 600 to 450
* Ancestral Spirit damage reduced from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
* Plague Wards night vision reduced from 1200 to 800
* Venomancer base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
* Necronomicon night vision from 1300/1400/1500 to 800
* Necronomicon gold bounty increased from 100 to 100/125/150 (per unit)
* Magnetic Grip cast range reduced from 1400 to 1100
* Boulder Smash silence duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5
* Boulder Smash unit knockback range rescaled from 800 to 500/600/700/800
* Crystal Maiden base Intelligence reduced from 21 to 19 (same base damage)
* Units in a Duel cannot be disarmed or Force Staffed away
* Visage movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
* Purifying Flames manacost increased from 30/45/60/75 to 55/70/85/100
* Added Slark in CM
* Added Huskar in CM
* Added Phoenix in CM
* Fixed Earth Spirit not functioning properly when used after Repick
* Fixed a case where you could get vision over the enemy team
* Fixed some lag issues on older PCs
* Fixed Monkey King Bar not being toggleable
* Fixed Tranquil Boots selling for more than it should when disabled
Garena Total
Garena Total is a utility tool for Garena which has some main features such as Auto Join, Auto Tunnel, Warcraft Hotkeys and Quick Message
The only bad thing is ads! If you do hate ads and popups best alternative is AucT Hotkeys Tool

The only bad thing is ads! If you do hate ads and popups best alternative is AucT Hotkeys Tool

Dota Custom Key Generator 6.79
Here you can generate custom key for new 6.79 map
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